Torbay Council

Torbay Council selects market-leading email and file encryption software to protect citizens’ confidential data.
Published on 28th Mar 2021

Working closely with a network of external organisations, Torbay Council provides a range of crucial services to over 130,000 inhabitants, from health and social care, to housing and education provision. The successful delivery of these services relies on information, often of a highly sensitive nature, being able to flow freely yet securely between the council and its third parties.

Kelly Prince, Information Governance Lead at Torbay Council, explains: “The council works hard to maintain a high level of service delivery, which includes protecting citizens’ data when it needs to be shared with external third parties, such as care workers and schools. Consequently, the council identified certain areas where data protection measures could be enhanced, including improving email and file transfer security, as well as extending user control over who can access shared information.

“Not only can we encrypt email content and attachments, but Egress’ secure file transfer capability means that this protection can be extended to documents that are too large to send via email.”

Kelly Prince, Information Governance Lead, Torbay Council

“Egress Protect meets all of these requirements,” continues Prince. “Not only can we encrypt email content and attachments, but Egress’secure file transfer capability means that this protection can be extended to documents that are too large to send via email. This is of particular importance to Torbay Council’s social care department, who regularly need to share large amounts of highly sensitive case information with external organisations. In addition, comprehensive audit capability and the ability to revoke access in real time mean that users remain in control of sensitive information, even after it has reached the recipient.”

Offering patented ‘follow the data’ functionality, Protect extends user control over shared information, enabling data owners to place limitations on what recipients can do with the information that is shared with them, including revoking access to secure emails and enforcing date and time restrictions. Moreover, by combining flexible on-premise and Cloud-based storage options with sophisticated file encryption, Protect offers a simple ‘one click’ file transfer solution while maintaining complete visibility and control over shared information at all times.

Egress UK Sales Director Kelly McCann comments: “Today’s economic climate is forcing all organisation, in both the public and private sector, to improve efficiency and reduce costs, which often results in the adoption of an outsourced business service model. As result, councils are sharing an ever-growing amount of highly sensitive information electronically with a wide variety of external third parties. By using Protect to secure this data, Torbay Council can avoid the data losses and leakages that can result in large monetary penalties and damaged business reputation.”

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