Email data loss prevention (DLP)

Organizations lose valuable data every day. Learn how to protect your data from human error and deliberate exfiltration.

Egress Prevent Product Tour

See for yourself how Egress Prevent combines intelligent technologies to detect accidental data loss events and malicious data exfiltration attempts in our two-part tour:

Explore the Admin Console Tour to track email and attachment behavior, monitor user interactions, and mitigate risk with detailed event tracking. Or, try the User Inbox Tour to see how Prevent combines relationship mapping, machine learning and content analysis to prevent data breaches.

Take the Prevent Product Tour
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Join global thought leaders as they discuss the personalization of attacks and defenses in a new age for cybersecurity.

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Email DLP news and insight

More email DLP topics

Email DLP

Everyone uses email, making email DLP a vital tool for preventing data breaches. Explore our dedicated email DLP hub.

BYOD & data exfiltration

The ‘bring your own device’ culture & data exfiltration occurs when a company's data is deliberately compromised.

TAG Cyber: Reduce human activated risk

TAG Cyber’s latest report explores this imperfect relationship and how it relates to a technology your business uses every day: email.

2021 Data loss prevention report

With more data being shared comes the increased likelihood of a breach - and with employees burnt out from the pandemic, the risk in 2021 is higher than ever.

How to recall email and CISO stories