Product Cookies

Find information on cookie definitions of those Egress Software implements, and acceptance or denial of these mechanisms.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that contains a small amount of information and is downloaded to your device when you log into and use our products and services.  

We use them for tracking and strictly necessary purposes.

What if you do not want to accept the cookies that we use?

If you choose to block or restrict the cookies set by our products and services, you will not be able to use the service or they will not function normally.

What cookies do we use?

The following are all first party cookies, set by us.

Protect ( Web Reader




Impact if blocked or rejected


Expires on sign out or closing browser

To associate user activity with a particular logged in user

Product and service will not work at all (you cannot sign in)


30 days

Allows a particular browser to access message history

No message history will be displayed


365 days

Contains various persistent web access settings, including a unique reference that identifies the recipient of secure emails and their browser

No significant effect but, for example,: (i) the intro page will be shown to you on each visit; (ii) the cookie banner will always show up; and (iii) a recipient rejecting it will need to authenticate through web-reader each time to access a secure email’s Content


1 day

User metrics



10 months

User metrics




Form and button operations

Certain forms / buttons on the website will stop working, and will be seen as XSS.

Defend Admin Portal (including HRM)




Impact if blocked or rejected


7 days

AWS ELB application load balancer

Performance degradation or service will not be available



Captures whether announcements have been read or should appear to user on logon

Users will see what’s new notifications upon logon


7 days

This cookie is managed by AWS and is used for load balancing. AspNetCore.Cookies

Performance degradation or service will not be available


7 hours

To keep a logged on session open

Unable to login

Secure Workspace




Impact if blocked or rejected

mfaModal Displayed

10 years

Remember if the user has read initial information presented for MFA

MFA info will show every time



User identification between requests

Product and service will not work at all


360 days

Remember when the user last checked the file inbox to decide on notifications

User will be notified about all historical file inbox items


31 days

Remember the authentication server used, to prioritise at top of selection list

User will always see default ordering of login servers



Allows access to anonymous quickshare links that are protected by policy

Access will be denied

Secure Webforms




Impact if blocked or rejected



see the 'Session Options' section.  It also prevents certain robots trying to forge reqests to us see

The form will not function.



if the form uses makes the user log into ESI / SDX first this cookie is there to tell the product they are logged in / authenticated.  We use this to temporarily save data as a customer fill in the form usually on big forms that take days to fill out

Incomplete forms will have to start over from the beginning.



Tracks what language and locale the users' browser or computer is using which can help default the language the form uses when a form that offers itself in multiple languages

User locales and language settings will not be applied to the session


During authentication

To enable login where authentication is required

Unable to authenticate and use form


During authentication

To enable login where authentication is required

Unable to authenticate and use form

Portal Analytics (including HRM)




Impact if blocked or rejected


4 hours

Contains user’s session ID.  Set and removed each time the user logs in/logs out

The user will not have a valid session and therefore will not be able to use the site

acceptedDataPrivacyPolicy– [userId]

91 days

Checks whether the user has accepted the data privacy warning

The user will have to accept the data privacy notice each time they log-in


91 days

Checks whether the user has clicked “accept” on the cookie banner

The cookie notice will appear each time the user uses the site



Delivers the user menu

The user menu will present an error and not be able to use the service.





Impact if blocked or rejected


Expires on sign out or closing browser

To associate user activity with a particular logged in user

Product and service will not work at all (you cannot sign in)


365 days

Remember the default state of user interface components

User interfaces will revert to the default settings

* Respond is provided for a customer’s internal use only and withdrawn from sale.


We offer our customers two options when we develop a Secure Webform for them.  They can choose to deploy either Google reCAPTCHA or our captcha tool.

Google reCAPTCHA

Google’s reCAPTCHA helps protect against cyber spam and abuse.  Google reCAPTCHA deploys a token to your device which sends information to the Google API about  your hardware and software information (e.g. device and application data and the results of integrity checks) and sending that data to Google for analysis.  This data may include other information about the cookies placed by Google over the last 6 months, how many mouse clicks you made on the screen (or touches if on a touch device), the CSS information for that page, the date, the browser language, plug-ins installed on your browser and Javascript objects.  This information will be used by Google for improving the reCAPTCHA tool and for general security purposes.

Our systems simply receive a yes/no type answer from Google before proceeding or rejecting your submission.  No information about you is collected by us.

Our own captcha tool

If our own captcha system is deployed then it simply checks whether the details entered match and then our systems either proceed or reject your submission.  No information about you is collected by us.

Do we use anything similar to a cookie?

Yes, our desktop plug-ins and mobile apps will recognise you and your device in order to ensure that your plug-in, device and app are able to be correctly authenticated by our systems.  These provide essential operations in order to enable you to use these free-to-download tools.  Our systems do not obtain any other information about you from this functionality.

When was this policy last updated?

24 July 2024

Added Webforms and Protect cookie descriptions